Dear Mrs.LaRue, I know Ike form obedience school.He can be a little over dramatic and very ungrateful.He said the school was like a prison.We have a pool and a sauna for dogs ONLY!We also got treats for just sitting down and rolling over,and he refused to do it so he didn’t get a treat I think that is fair.We got gourmet food,a radio,and a smoothie maker.P.s at dinner I saw him reading a book called 50 great escapes the day before he escaped.The school is the best place ever,I love it here and the guards love us too.I think he shouldn’t have run away.I don’t understand why he run away.I heard that he rode in a airplane in first class and on train with the best food in the world.I think he should be in a lot of trouble when he gets back home.
Sincerely, Buddy the Bulldog